What is an Egress Window & Why Do You Need It?

What is an Egress Window?
The definition of egress is the act of going out or leaving a place. This word can also describe moving through an egress window for the purpose of emergency escape or rescue. Providing an exit to safety in a dangerous situation is why egress windows must meet building code regulations. So, you may want to let your kids know egress windows are not for escaping their parents or sneaking friends in! I say this laughingly as I sing to myself “She Came in Through the Bathroom Window” by my favorite Beatle, Paul McCartney!

How does Ringer Meet Egress Window Codes?
One of our most important jobs is to ensure that we meet building codes including those for egress windows. We do this by carefully reviewing architectural plans for new or remodeled houses when they’re submitted to us. In each case every aspect of the windows we will install must meet code. This includes regulations pertaining to thermal specifications, safety glass, and egress window size.
How do Egress Window Openings & Locations Work?
I often explain egress window openings in terms of a home inhabitant escaping from a fire. However, they must also allow a firefighter or emergency person to enter with all their protective gear! This is why egress window size regulations are designed for both emergency escape and rescue. In terms of location, egress windows must be in sleeping areas or any room perceived by inspectors as a bedroom. Thus, bathrooms are not reviewed for egress unless they’re used as bedrooms. Lastly, egress regulations may also be met by the use of outside doors.
What are Egress Windows Measurements & Variances?
Egress window code dictates four basic measurements: minimum width of the window opening; minimum height of the window opening; minimum square footage of the window opening; maximum sill height of the window from the floor. Each constraint must be met in order to meet egress window regulations and obtain a permit. However, new construction egress window requirements may differ from replacement windows, and both can vary city to city. In addition, since building codes are often updated variances may be needed especially for window replacement. For example, in Austin, TX recent changes to residential codes allow variances when replacing egress windows in brick or stone homes. These variances also include provisions to install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
Why Choose a Window Manufacturer Before Designing?
Each window system or series produced by a company has unique sizes that meet egress window specifications. Therefore, we recommend choosing a manufacturer before drawing plans with an architect to ensure you meet egress window requirements. And make sure your architect is familiar with the building codes in your area. Relying on strong local professionals for home remodeling or construction should help things go smoothly. Lastly, please know that many high-quality window systems have wider frames for better structural design and energy efficiency. However, egress requirements may still be met using larger sizes when designing with a more robust window system.
Your Safety & Meeting Code are Our Top Concerns
At Ringer Windows, we believe our expertise will keep you safe while saving time, money, and frustration. That’s because there’s nothing more exasperating than inspections that don’t meet permit requirements due to code violations. When you purchase windows from us you can rest assured that they’ll actually meet building codes. Even if it means using a variety of window styles and systems to meet egress specifications at different sizes. So, before buying materials why not enlist professionals to examine your project plans. You can submit them to us by email. We’ll review and advise you on ways to meet building codes including egress window requirements.

Call Ringer Windows Today for Your Egress Window Needs
At Ringer Windows, we’re committed to manufacturing beautiful, energy efficient windows that exceed Energy Star requirements. However, we also make sure they satisfy engineering specifications and regulations for client safety. So, when a homeowner presents a set of plans to us, we double check that egress and building codes are met by our windows. This could mean that a beautiful set of picture windows for a master bedroom may need modification for egress constraints. However, advising contractors, remodelers, and homeowners about egress window specifications is just a daily part of our job.