Part 1: New Construction Windows

Blog Series – The Disconnect Between What Homeowners Want & Builders Offer
This is part one of a three-part series. Some parts were updated from the original September 2013 posting.
Part 1: Understanding the New Construction Window Market
The Hot Local Market for Cheap, New Construction Windows
It seems that residential building and remodeling never really slowed down in central Texas during the economic recession. And by some accounts it appears to be red-hot right now. Of course, as a high-quality window manufacturer we’re eager to play a role in this growth. However, we also know that most new construction windows are cheap ones from national giants pumping out thousands daily. Unfortunately, we couldn’t hang with these guys in the ultra low-end window market even if we wanted to.
We’ve Tried Hard to Support Builders & Remodelers
During nearly 14 years of making great windows we’ve taken thousands of calls from builders and remodelers. There’s no doubt that we’d love to have their business. Some who’ve called are even very large national builders! For our part we’ve reached out to local building supply companies and chains as well, most with statewide capabilities. We haven’t overlooked smaller central Texas remodeling companies either generating over 500 letters and calls to them. The net of this is that we’ve either called or been contacted by a lot of construction professionals about builder windows!
What Do Building Pros Care About When Buying Windows?
Recently, I asked my staff to summarize our contacts with building professionals. I wanted to know what was discussed and ultimately sold, and how we followed up. The results about talks with builders, remodelers, and building supply companies were eye opening! No one, including myself, could recall any discussions about the quality or operational efficiency of our windows. Very few of these professionals even asked if our windows met the City of Austin’s energy code! Can you guess what their single biggest request was? “How much do they cost?”
Cost Drives the New Construction Window Market
It probably doesn’t surprise anyone that cost is the most important driver for new construction window purchases. That’s because the building and remodeling industry in Texas is about two things. Getting each job completed at the lowest price as quickly as possible. In this equation, quality is a distant afterthought which is terrible for homeowners. However, if no one complains about poor quality or asks for other options, cheap windows pass the bar of acceptability!
A Builder Learns About the Risks of New Construction Windows
Recently, I got a call from a VP of Construction at a large local builder. He lamented that some taller than average windows in their higher end homes were causing problems. Apparently, this builder uses very cheap vinyl builder grade windows. When several of these windows were paired in single openings, the structure was unstable and clients rightfully complained. Although there are many reasons why these types of windows don’t work well, it essentially comes down to a quality issue. So, I explained to the VP that better windows have reinforcements and thick glass to stabilize this type of a platform. However, when I was through, he asked only one question, “Do they cost more?”. Unfortunately, the conversation abruptly ended after I replied, “Yes, good quality windows cost more.”
Well-Built Windows Cost a Bit More but are Worth It
The irony is that the cost difference between builder windows and a simple, high-quality “no frills” line like our Performa 3300 is small. It amounts to about $60 per window. Since an average home has 15 windows, it might cost the builder $900 more to use our products. While they do cost a bit more, well-built windows rarely break down. That’s why seal failures for them are practically zero. They’re also much more energy efficient than their cheap, builder grade counterparts. Thus, over decades homeowners will enjoy much lower utility costs and windows that continue to work well.
If Given the Choice, Homeowners Select High-Quality Windows
When we visit folks, most are completely fed-up with their terribly inefficient windows. They complain about fogginess, leaks, and poor operability. Many also say they’d have preferred the option to upgrade the windows when their home was built. Just as they did with flooring, lighting, and plumbing fixtures. This aligns with the fact that initial contacts from most homeowners for replacement windows are not about price. Instead, these intelligent buyers ask about energy efficiency, sash movement, and vinyl window maintenance. Many want details regarding our warranty and product longevity as well. Price is often not even discussed until the 2nd or 3rd meeting. Given this, you’d think the building trades would use or at least offer high quality windows for projects and new homes. If they did, we believe a majority of people would choose the better windows.
It’s Cheaper to Install Better Windows During Construction
Many people don’t realize that it’s far less expensive to install quality windows during construction than as replacements later. So, if you’re a prospective homeowner building a house, demand control over the windows going into it. We promise you’ll be happy that you did!

We Offer FREE Consultations & IN-HOME Estimates
If you’re concerned about your new construction windows, please submit a contact form or call 512-989-7000. We’ll visit your home, completely inspect the windows, and give you a FREE replacement window estimate!